/BCO-DMO/Lionfish_Invasion/lionfish_sightings_Cayman_2010 --site eq ICON-- Level 1

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# Lionfish Sighted and/or Collected at Little Cayman Island, 2010
#  (From sub-project "Little Caymna 2010 lionfish sightings and 
#   collections database")
# Lead PI: Mark Hixon (OSU)
# Sub-Project Lead: Tye L. Kindinger (OSU)
# Version: 03 July 2013
site                  lat        lon         
ICON                  19.6989    -80.06049   
fish_id  date_found  location                                                                          depth_ft  len_tot_est  len_tot  dorsal_spine_clipped       tag_num        orientation                                    person      used_for                                            notes                 
23       06/13/2010  boulder                                                                           nd        nd           7.4      NO CLIP                    L/R-PUC        nd                                             MH          Growth & Survival                                   nd                    
117      07/12/2010  20 deg from furthest S Fan Boulder (S.F.B)- lg head w/ green vase sponge          34        15           nd       nd                         nd             on side of head                                CB          Time Budget                                         whitish tipped fins   
118      07/12/2010  320 deg from S.F.B                                                                31        16           nd       nd                         nd             at base of head under sm ledge                 CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
119      07/12/2010  65 deg to L118 / across alley W of L118                                           32        11           nd       nd                         nd             on rubble at base of sm head                   CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
120      07/12/2010  0 deg from L118                                                                   37        10           nd       nd                         nd             base of barrel sponge coming off head          CB          Time Budget                                         dark fins             
121      07/12/2010  345 deg from L117 / between L117 and sponge tower = '2 flags'                     38        20           nd       nd                         nd             under ledge with L122                          CB          Time Budget                                         white tipped pectoral fins / dorsal spines  
122      07/12/2010  345 deg from L117 / between L117 and sponge tower = '2 flags'                     38        22           nd       nd                         nd             under ledge with L121                          CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
124      07/12/2010  315 deg from Washington Monument = 310 deg from M/boat                            31        12.5         nd       nd                         nd             upside down under ledge                        TK          Time Budget                                         L eye foggy           
125      07/12/2010  220 deg to Washington Monument                                                    30        13           nd       nd                         nd             sitting on side of head                        TK          Time Budget                                         dark body; pectoral fins with white tips  
126      07/12/2010  30 deg from L125                                                                  30        17.5         nd       nd                         nd             hunting under lg ledge                         TK          Time Budget                                         nd                    
127      07/12/2010  100 deg to L124                                                                   31        20           nd       nd                         nd             sitting on sand at base of head                TK          Time Budget                                         nd                    
130      07/18/2010  315 deg from Washington Monument = 310 deg from M/boat                            31        16           nd       nd                         nd             hunting next to L124 on side of structure      TK          Time Budget                                         nd                    
131      07/18/2010  220 deg to Washington Monument                                                    30        11.5         nd       nd                         nd             perched on side of structure next to L126      TK          Time Budget                                         dark body             
135      07/23/2010  South Fan Boulder (S.F.B.)                                                        27        10           nd       nd                         nd             hunting at base of head on sand                CB          Time Budget                                         dark pectoral fins    
136      07/23/2010  Castle = 315 deg from Washington Monument = 310 deg from M/boat                   nd        21           nd       nd                         nd             sitting under ledge next to other PTVO         TK          Time Budget                                         nd                    
139      07/25/2010  315 deg to 2 Flags                                                                35        13           nd       nd                         nd             hovering next to head                          CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
140      07/25/2010  90 deg from L127 / 90 deg to Castle                                               31        12           nd       nd                         nd             sitting just outside hole at base of head      TK          Time Budget                                         darker fish           
141      07/25/2010  90 deg from L127 / 90 deg to Castle                                               31        12           nd       nd                         nd             hunting at base of different head from L140    TK          Time Budget                                         lighter fish          
167      08/02/2010  close to E / across alley from [350 deg from SFB]                                 nd        13           nd       nd                         nd             on side of head                                CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
168      08/02/2010  300 deg to 2 flags / across 2 alleys                                              34        19           nd       nd                         nd             under ledge next to another PTVO (22)          CB          Time Budget                                         white tips            
194      08/04/2010  down spur from 90 to Castle - mushroom head                                       nd        28.5         nd       nd                         nd             under ledge with PTVO L127                     TK          nd                                                  nd                    
207      08/18/2010  nd                                                                                31        15           nd       nd                         nd             under ledge                                    LT          Time Budget                                         nd                    
208      08/18/2010  nd                                                                                31        16           nd       nd                         nd             next to ledge                                  LT          Time Budget                                         nd                    
210      08/18/2010  nd                                                                                34        12           nd       nd                         nd             under ledge                                    LT          Time Budget                                         nd                    
212      08/18/2010  120 to [100 to (90 to Castle)]                                                    nd        14           nd       nd                         nd             hunting at base                                TK          Time Budget                                         nd                    
213      08/18/2010  N of 2 flags; past smoke stack                                                    39        15           nd       nd                         nd             on rubble out in open                          CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
214      08/18/2010  N of 2 flags; past smoke stack                                                    39        10           nd       nd                         nd             out in open near L213                          CB          Time Budget                                         nd                    
218      08/20/2010  nd                                                                                34        30           nd       nd                         nd             hovering above sand                            LT          Time Budget                                         nd